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陕西省翻译协会 《外语教学》编辑部
海伦·斯诺(Helen Foster Snow)是美国知名作家、记者、社会活动家、中国人民的老朋友。她为中国革命和建设事业、为促进中美两国和两国人民之间的相互了解和友谊,倾注了自己毕生的心血。为了弘扬海伦·斯诺的“架桥”精神,发现和培养译界新人,特在斯诺第二故乡陕西设立“海伦·斯诺翻译奖”,每两年举办一届。
1. “海伦·斯诺翻译奖”设立英译汉和汉译英两个奖项。英语参赛原文选自海伦·斯诺的原著,汉语参赛原文选自国内著名学者有关海伦·斯诺的文章。本届大赛的参赛规则和原文刊登在《外语教学》2007第5 期,也可登陆陕西省翻译协会网站hppt//www.chsta.org查询。
2. 参赛对象为全国各类大学的在读学生,包括硕士研究生,本科生及专科生。选手参赛时必须在参赛人员信息表上提供其注册学号。本届竞赛不收取任何参赛费用。
3. 每个奖项设一、二、三等奖和优秀奖,授予获奖证书和奖品。竞赛结果将在《外语教学》公布,同时将刊出参考译文。
4. 为弘扬海伦·斯诺“诚实、守信、实事求是”的品德,保证竞赛的严肃性和可信性,大赛坚决反对一切弄虚作假行为。对初选出来的一、二、三等奖获奖者进行复试。复试的具体方法,届时由评委会通知复试者本人。
5. 将成立由著名外语教育专家、翻译家、评论家组成的评奖委员会,下设英译汉和汉译英两个评审小组,负责具体评审工作。竞赛由美国“海伦·斯诺文学托管会”委托“陕西省斯诺研究中心”监督。
6. 参赛译文一律用小四号字在A4纸打印清楚,中文用宋体,英文用Times New Roman。译文正文内不能标有任何能证明译者身份的标记。参赛者须另页准确填写参赛人员信息表(见附件),随参赛译文一起寄至竞赛评委会。
7. 截稿日期:务请参赛者于2007年12月31日前(以寄出邮戳为准)将参赛译文寄至:陕西省西安市长安南路199号,陕西师范大学中西方文化研究所 邮编:710062。请在信封上注明“参赛译文”字样。
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HFS Translation Award 2007
E-C Translation
Excerpt from My Room by Helen Foster Snow
Huang Hua took me to see Po Ku, the commissioner of Foreign Affairs, one of the opposition to Mao Tse-tung. Po Ku escorted me to the Foreign Affairs compound, to a small room of my own, with paper windows and a heavy blue padded curtain for a door. A carved square table near the window held a candle and my special teapot. Two chairs and two benches made up the rest of furnishings, except for the build-in bedroom in one corner, hung with blue cloth for privacy. This was a k’ang, or raised platform of brick, where I put my canvas cot and sleeping bag. The legs of my cot sat in four cigarette tins filled with kerosene, which did discourage crawling insects, though it seemed to have little deterrent effect on the high-jumping fleas.
The brick floor was inhabited by both competitive and communist insect life, despite the lime dust with which I covered the cracks. I put my leather saddle shoes up high every night and shook them out every morning, looking for scorpions and centipedes as well as lice and fleas. Overhead the ceiling was of sagging white cloth, and rats ran back and forth on the rafters all night, shaking the golden dust down as they raced. Under my bed was a rat trap, and when it caught one, I waked the whole compound with my screams. This was the pure, organic life – without pesticides, without chemicals, without machinery.
It is not the rat but the flea that carries the black plague – and northern Shensi was one of the few places on earth where that killer disease was still endemic. My floor was covered with fleas, all gregarious and fond of foreigners. The Chinese were not immune, but generations of exposure had created a mighty army of antibodies in their blood to protect them from disease. I never forgot that the black plague had once destroyed half the population of Christendom, and had brought into fashion in Europe a concern for cleanliness that did not seem as yet, some centuries later, to have reached China. Though my own compound thankfully suffered no plague that summer, there was one case of typhoid, one severe case of dysentery, along with plenty of the common everyday variety, and my personal bodyguard had advanced tuberculosis. TB was so common that little attention was paid to it. Probably everybody in Yenan had dysentery, but the Chinese seemed usually not much bothered by it.
RMK: Proper nouns in Wade-Giles system to Pinyin
Po Ku – Bo Gu; k’ang – kang; Shensi – Shaanxi; Yenan – Yan’an
HFS Translation Award 2007
C - E Translation
摘自《人民日报(海外版)》作者 马 珂
爱你的儿子 埃德加
“全国大学生‘海伦·斯诺翻译奖’ 竞赛”