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所属分类:协会要闻     阅读次数:70     发布时间:2010年04月10日 16:41:09

1.   本届竞赛分设英译汉和汉译汉两个奖项,参赛者可任选一项或同时参加两项竞赛。
2.   参赛规则,参赛原文(附后)和参赛券已刊登于《外语教学》2002年第一期。
3.   参赛者年龄限定在40岁以下(1962年12月31日以后出生)。必须为在读大学生(含硕士研究生、本科生、大专生),学校性质不限。参赛译文须提供注册学号,以备查询。
4.   参赛译文须用无单位名称抬头的稿纸誊写清楚,最好用计算机打印,并加封面,译文正文内不能有任何能证明译者身份的标记。
5.   参赛稿件必须有准确填写的参赛券,剪贴在译文前所加的封面上。参赛券不能贴在信封上。参赛券复印有效。
6.   截稿日期:务请参赛者于2002年6月30日前(以寄出邮戳为准)将参赛译文寄至:陕西省翻译工作者协会,西安市长安北路103号,邮编:710061。请在信封上注明“参赛译文”字样。
7.   本届竞赛设一、二、三等奖和优秀奖若干名,授予奖品和获奖证书。获奖名单将在《外语教学》2002年第六期(11月上旬出版)予以公布。
8.   本竞赛对获奖候选人将进行复试,具体办法,届时由评委会通知。
9.   联系电话:029-5255713


E-C Translation for the HFS Translation Award
        Jim was very attractive-tall, muscular, athletic, and handsome, with curly hair and sensitive Scottish-English face, quiet, well-bred, diffident, sweet, and shy, and though deeply emotional, totally self- controlled. His blue eyes were full of quest; he was reaching out for new experiences. He was my Sir Galahad-and I had to keep him from becoming my Sir Launcelot. I had to be “cruel” to him, as he put it. He was the son of a clergyman in Auckland, and ideal for the sort of relationship we had---the sort we had to have.
The code in the East was very strict, especially for the British. But British or American, we shared a common Puritan inheritance of correct behavior in all situations. As Betty Price put it in the Summer Resort, “It is lucky you are a lady and Jim is a gentleman.”
        My situation in the East was much too important to me to let it be ruined by a “mess.” I had to be Caesar’s wife, double –distilled. I might have several special relationships, but only on condition that I keep the appearance as well as the reality of fidelity, and establish these ground rules in the minds of my admirers from the start. With caution, I steered clear . Ed took it for granted that I would but underneath was raw subcutaneous jealously.
With Ed’s help, I also had to build Jim up. He was part of the team--though Ed was always on the verge of pushing him out, for personal reasons. I got Ed to send him o the Northwest as his correspondent, for one thing, and I referred him to Ed’s and my agent, Henriette Herz, and my publisher.
        The anti-crisis came the first years, when Jim was anxious to travel with me--always on the platonic level we had established—to Korea and later to the Northwest. But I knew Ed would be furious if I traveled with Jim ,if only because of public appearance of it . I never told Ed anything about this crisis—nor did I tell Jim how hard it was not to have him come alone. I like him think I preferred to be alone for journalistic scoops.
        I think back on how will behaved we all were in those days--in contrast to the present. Meaning is created by value. We placed tremendous value on ourselves and our purposes and our relationships and so they had real meaning---not only for us but also for the Chinese. I marvel now at what I could do then. Not only was I involved in the difficult art of dealing with the Chinese, but also in the most impossible art of dealing with several male admirers and keeping them on the line.

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