所属分类:协会要闻 阅读次数:70 发布时间:2015年11月26日 22:37:45
钟勇博士就职于澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(澳大利亚八大研究型大学之一)并兼任南京大学社会语言学实验室荣誉研究员、波兰比省经贸大学(University of Economy in Bydgoszcz)荣誉教授、福州大学外国语学院兼职副教书及福州大学至诚学院兼职教授。同时担任国际学刊Rural Education《乡村教育》的主编和Meta 的编委。钟勇博士长期致力于推动翻译学及教育学的创新,热衷于缩短教育和现实社会及科学技术发展的距离。在国际多家核心期刊上发表相关学术研究论文数篇。近年来,钟勇博士在近百所著名大学(如中国北大、南大、东南大、中农大、人大、北师大、西工大、福大、北语、华东师大、上外、暨大、首师大、香港大学、香港理工、浸会大学、台北师大、台湾云林科技大学等)发表演讲。2009年钟勇博士荣获澳大利亚国家教学创新奖和2010年文学院长学与教最佳学术贡献奖。
摘 要:The lecture discusses the findings of an action research project, which culminated with, in addition to other things, the construction of a model intended to explain what Curriculum 2.0 is like and how it works. The model is presented in the presentation, contrasted to two models of teacher-centered learning (i.e., rote-learning and communicative language learning), followed by definition of the components comprising the model and by an elaboration on a range of concepts (e.g., student-centered learning, options, optimization, plan-based learning and assessment and teacher as facilitator) underlying the model. The discussion of the model will be situated in the context of two real-life university courses (an advanced language course and a translation/interpreting course). In short, the model captures the essence and the spirit of Curriculum 2.0, a new teaching approach inspired by the concept of Web 2.0, focusing on the shift to genuine student-centered learning, the production and shared learning of student content, and assessment of individual student’s learning against his/her own plan.
时 间:2015年11月30日(星期一)下午16:00—17:30
地 点::西安交大逸夫外文楼B 座10楼多功能报告厅
摘 要:This lecture is intended to challenge the widespread perception among especially practitioners and translation students that theories and translation theories are irrelevant to translation practice. It will provide an overview of four schools of theories, namely philological, linguistic, functional and plan-based translation and will involve the use of three source texts: a certificate, a political text and a satire, the first two of which are Chinese and the last of which English.
The lecture will proceed with succinct critiques of the four schools of theories, including their origin, focus, impact and impact. It will be argued that, though the four schools originated and prevailed in different chronological periods of them, they continue to be synchronically present and influence our use of translation approaches and techniques.
Each school of theory is demonstrated with its manifestation in the rendition of the three source texts. Very different renditions of the same source text will reinforce the message of the presentation that theories do matter and do shape practice.
时 间:2015年12月1日(星期二)下午16:00—17:30
地 点:逸夫外文楼B座10楼多功能报告厅
主办单位: 西安交通大学外国语学院