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所属分类:协会要闻     阅读次数:508     发布时间:2010年03月09日 10:51:47

    为纪念这两位国际友人,陕西省于1980年成立了斯诺研究小组,并参加中国三S研究会。1986年举办“预报西安事变的女记者”学术报告会,1987年举办“纪念海伦·斯诺访问延安50周年”系列活动及《海伦·斯诺在中国》图片展览。在研究小组的基础上,于1991年12月25日 正式成立陕西斯诺研究中心。


Briefing to Edgar & Helen Snow Studies Center
On the eve of the War of Resistance against Japan, Edgar and Helen Snow made successive trips to Northern Shaanxi, breaking through KMT blockades to interview Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and other first-generation Chinese leaders. They reported the true situation of Red China to the Western world for the first time. The Snows became world renowned with their classic books, Red Star over China and Inside Red China. Many years after the founding of new China, Edgar and Helen Snow returned separately to Xi’an, Yan’an and Bao’an. They always felt a special connection with Shaanxi Province.
To remember the two American friends, a Snow Studies Group was formed in Shaanxi in 1980, becoming an active member of China SSS Society. The Snow Studies Group sponsored a seminar entitled A Woman Journalist Who Forecast the Xi’an Incident in 1986, and a series of academic activities marking the 50th anniversary of Helen Snow’s historical trip to Yan’an as well as the first exhibition of Helen Snow in China in 1987. Growing from the Snow Studies Group, the Edgar and Helen Snow Studies Center was officially established on December 25, 1991.
By undertaking translation, publication, academic studies, commemorations and exchange programs, the E & H Snow Studies Center focuses its work on publicizing the Snow’s life, work and important contributions, carrying forward the Snow legacy of seeking truth from facts, continuing to promote the Sino-American people’s friendship initiated by the veteran revolutionary leaders and the Snows, and serving the cause of China’s modernization and world peace. 
Since its founding, the E & H Snow Studies Center has attracted and united a large number of accomplished specialists, scholars, professors, translators and journalists in the field of Snow Studies, sponsored many academic activities which were influential both at home and abroad, and helped publish successively numerous articles, books and essays about the Snows, as well as translations of books and articles by the Snows.  These include An American Experience in China, My Yenan Notebooks, My China Years, A Great Woman, Ageless Friends, Biography of Edgar Snow, Mao Country, China Builds for Democracy, Bridging- A Photo Essay on the Life of Helen Snow, etc. With the largest collection of the Snow’s documents, manuscripts, pictures, audio and video tapes and other valuable cultural relics in China, the E & H Snow Studies Center has helped make TV documentary films and programs such as Helen the Beautiful, Friendship Bridging Future Generations, Revisiting Helen Snow School and Torch of Friendship Relayed, which were watched by TV viewers both in Shaanxi and the rest of China. The center helped erect the world first statue of Helen Snow in Xi’an, and has hosted over 50 groups of overseas photographers, journalists, scholars and international friends whose China trips were related to Snow studies, with a total of over 600 participants. Having held three different versions of exhibition on Helen’s life and work in the past 20 years, the Helen Snow Memorial Museum was inaugurated in 2008.

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