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所属分类:协会要闻     阅读次数:128     发布时间:2012年08月20日 10:09:45

刘丹翎 西安交通大学
此次由太白文艺出版社和国家新闻出版署签约的项目、陕西本土著名作家叶广芩的长篇小说《青木川》的翻译工程,是一次了不起的尝试。由陕西省翻译协会承接、由西安两所高校(西北大学和西安交通大学)的青年女教师高敏娜,杜丽霞和刘丹翎负责具体翻译工作,并由美国知名作家JERRY PIASKY 进行英文审校的翻译模式,开创先河,使文学作品翻译更符合目标语言读者的审美取向,使小说翻译的目标语言英语更为流畅、地道,符合英美读者的表达习惯,也使得翻译后的作品不失原有的文学性和艺术性。为了使小说《青木川》的英文版顺利、圆满地出版发行,陕西省翻译协会的领导、资深翻译家安危主席和马柯秘书长的组织、策划和协调工作做得非常细致、突出和到位。
不久前,陕西省翻译协会邀请了我国著名的翻译家、翻译终身成就奖获得者江枫先生来西安讲学。在他的报告中,他提出“忠实乃翻译的灵魂”(Fidelity is the Soul of Translation)
Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:
What if my leaves are falling like its own!
The tumult of thy mighty harmonies

Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone,
Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,
My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!

Drive my dead thoughts over the universe
Like wither'd leaves to quicken a new birth!
And, by the incantation of this verse,

Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth
Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!
Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth

The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?




“秋爽斋偶结海棠社    蘅芜苑夜拟菊花题。”
Begonia Club Takes Form One Day in the Studio of Autumn Freshness
Themes for Poems on Chrysanthemums Are Prepared One Evening in Alpinia Park
Writing about the Chrysanthemum
Day and night the imp of poetry assails men;
Skirting the fence, leaning on the rock, they start chanting;
With the tip of the brush, by the rime, they write fine lines;
Or facing the moon croon their sweet melodies.
We may fill a page with sorrow and self-pity,
But who can put into words what autumn means?
Ever since Tao Yuanming of old passed judgment
This flower’s worth has been sung through the centuries.
He was illuminated by his adventurous experience in the past few years and decided to cling like grim death to this treasure land of Greenwood Riverside which was so far away from the madding crowd. He was to work hard to develop the local economy and expand the production so that the economic strength and military power of Greenwood Riverside would be boosted up to a new historical stage.(笔者译)
The past few years had enlightened Wei Futang about the ways of the world to the point where he intended to cling like grim death to his Greenwood Riverside. Far from the maddening crowd was exactly where he intended to be, and stay. Wei Futang made it his quest to develop the local economy, expand production,and strengthen the armed forces in Greenwood Riverside to levels never before seen in the region.(JERRY)
中方译者力求把典型的中国式的带有意识形态色彩的思维方式传递出来,而JERRY 的润色和修改使得译文似乎更符合英文读者的接受习惯。
On the mountain path in 1949, Xu Zhongde walked with vigorous strides, wearing a long robe, holding an umbrella and carrying a small parcel at his side. The sun had just emerged reddish; he had already climbed up to the top of the Phoenix Mountain. Fifty years later, Xu Zhongde still remembered that the sun jumped out of the eastern mountain peaks at one stroke. It was an instant, not a slow process. He could still recall that sunrise, in the twinkling of an eye the earth was shone upon a vast expanse of golden rays. The luminosity befell abruptly and promptly, leaving no time for him to reflect. Even though the mountain ridges and peaks beneath his feet were still in the shadow, he on the mountain top was already bathed in the sunshine and enveloped in the golden splendor all over and was filled with sacredness. That scene resembled very much the picture he saw during the “Cultural Revolution”, “Chairman Mao Went to AnYuan”. “Chairman Mao Went to AnYuan” was a very famous painting then; it was hung in high streets and back lanes, and was put up on the wall in every household.  Wherever you went, you could see young Mao Zedong in the long robe holding an umbrella walking towards the sun on the summit; beneath his feet all the mountains were still asleep, while Chairman Mao was in bright sunshine and full of hope and mission. (笔者译)
On the mountain path in 1949, Xu Zhongde walked with vigorous strides, wearing a long robe, holding an umbrella and carrying a small parcel at his side. By the time the sun dawned red, gold, and clear; he had already climbed to the top of Phoenix Mountain.
Fifty years later, Xu Zhongde still remembered that the sun jumped out of the eastern mountain peaks in one brilliant crimson/golden stroke. Sunrise that day was an instant, not a process. He could still recall that dawn, in the twinkling of an eye the high earth sparkled in a vast expanse of magical rays. Even though the valleys, ridges and peaks below him were still in shadows, he was already bathed in full sunshine and enveloped in the golden splendor of life. He felt it to be a sacred moment.
Xu Zhongde felt the scene resembled very much the picture he saw during the “Cultural Revolution” entitled “Chairman Mao Went to Anyuan.” He would actually chuckle at the thought of comparing his experience to Chairman Mao’s, before again being thankful for the gift from nature. “Chairman Mao Went to Anyuan” was a very famous painting during the Revolution. It was hung in main streets and back lanes, and was put up on the wall in every household. Wherever you went, you could see young Mao Zedong in a long robe, holding an umbrella, walking toward the sun on a high summit. Beneath him, all the mountains were still in shadow-sleep, while Chairman Mao was in bright sunshine, and full of hope and mission. (JERRY)
上面的文字是记述曾做过魏富堂副官的许忠德,一个受过魏资助的年轻的大学生,在收到魏富堂的亲笔信后,立即返乡,希望为保卫和建设家乡出力。1949年,时局动荡,魏富堂写信给十几位他资助的正在外地求学的青木川的青年学子,希望他们尽快回乡辅佐他度过这一特殊时期,待局势平稳,他保证大家再续学业。但在众多被他资助的学生中,只有许忠德一人积极响应,并带着崇高的理想和使命返回了家乡青木川。虽然,他在日后的历次运动中都挨整,也因此一辈窝在了山沟里,但是许忠德却是一个知恩图报的、充满理想和神圣使命的青年知识分子的光辉形象。因此,他特别喜爱和欣赏“毛主席去安源”这幅画,因为画中的青年毛泽东正是这样一位满怀理想和使命的热血青年。本段的译文中方译者基本忠实地反映了原作的思想;英文审校JERRY也遵照原译文对英文加以润色,使之更加顺畅和完善。只有划线部分是JERRY 后补充上去的。译文基本是直译。
WeiFutang went up to the gate of the Zhao’s. It was then late autumn. The autumn sky was clear and the air was crisp; a line of geese were flying south. Standing on the doorsteps in the arch over the gateway, they could look into the distance toward south and could see the QinLing Mountains. The QinLing Mountains stood towering to the due south of Xi’an; vigorously upright in dark green, it looked elephant like as if it were in the primeval chaotic state. He came from there; and there, deep inside that mountain he was a tiger. Now the tiger had come to GuanZhong Plain, which to him was a totally strange and unfamiliar place, where it was full of crises and snares. Here, he must hide both his head and his tail, and restrain his talons as well as his fangs and learned to be a submissive cat. He must get the two girls of the family of “The Successful Candidate That Passed the Highest Imperial Examinations” out of here as soon as possible (in a way of fighting and winning battles of quick decision) without any slip.(笔者译)
Wei Futang traveled to Xi’an in the late autumn. The sky was bright blue and the air crisp. A flock of geese flew in formation pointing south.
Standing on the doorstep in the arch over the gateway, Wei Futang and Lao Wu looked in the distance where the Qinling Mountains towered, vigorously upright and dark green. They were like elephants resting on the horizon; a place both primeval and chaotic. Wei Futang came from there; and there, inside those mountains, he was a tiger. Now the tiger had come to Xi’an, which to him was a totally strange and unfamiliar place full of crises and snares. Here, he must hide both his head and his tail, and restrain his claws as well as his fangs. In this urban jungle he had to learn to be a submissive cat. Wei Futang knew he had to get the granddaughters of “The Successful Candidate That Passed the Highest Imperial Examinations” out of Xi’an as soon as possible without a slip. It reminded him of fighting to win a battle quickly, lest the foe regroup and strike back. (JERRY的译文)
此处展现了魏富堂为了改良后代,亲自去西安迎娶‘进士及第’的大家闺秀赵家二位小姐。但是,作为陕南一霸、富甲一方的魏富堂,来到了关中平原,就仿佛‘虎落平川’。此处的景色描写衬托出了他的急迫心情:希望尽快把赵氏小姐们带出西安。同时,秦岭深山和古城西安的巨大差别,也衬托出了魏富堂与破落贵族‘进士及第’家的名门闺秀的天壤之别。就此奏响了又一幕悲剧的序曲。JERRY 的译文在对中文译者的译文加以润色后,基本保持了英文的直译,因而准确地传递了原作的信息。
综上观之,著名翻译家江枫先生所倡导的“忠实(信)”的原则在《青木川》的翻译过程中得到了很好的体现。不仅如此,由中方译者和美方审校JERRY 的通力合作,不仅以直译方式准确忠实地传递和展现原小说的故事性和艺术性,而且使得英文表达更趋完善、地道和符合英语读者的阅读习惯,同时也保留了原作品的文学性和艺术风貌。
Ø        时态
   Viewing from the aforesaid materials, Greenwood Riverside indeed had a rich and complicated history. Feng Xiaoyu knew that this was a land that could nurture literature. (笔者译)
   Feng Xiaoyu’s research quickly revealed that Greenwood Riverside indeed had a rich and complicated history. She knew that this was a land that had nurtured great literature. (JERRY).
 The young man Xu Zhongde hurried from Greenwoods Riverside informing them that the dinner had been arranged for a long time. (笔者译)
 The young Xu Zhongde met the group to say the dinner had been arranged and was ready. (JERRY)
Ø        文化负载词
“进士及第”,“The Successful Candidate That Passed the Highest Imperial Examinations”(借用)。
“率性之谓道,修道之谓教”,“The Innate Quality Is Hight Tao[1]; Education Is the Cultivation of Tao”。(笔者译)
“天命隐显,知行合一”,Destiny was both latent and foreseeable (visible) (笔者译);Knowledge and action should go hand in hand.(借用)
无状之状,无象之象”,substance without substance and shape without shape。(借用?)
“斗南山庄”,“Dounan Mountain Villa”. (笔者译)
“风雨桥”,“Feng Yu Bridge”和 “Wind And Rain Bridge”. (笔者译)
“滑竿”:” Bamboo  Sedan  Chair”. (笔者译)
Ø         叙事方式
“不知怎的他心里有些不安,回头去望滑竿上的小赵。小赵朝他微微一笑,脱口吟出,“山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。此中有真意,欲辩已忘言”的诗句。许忠德说夫人吟的是陶渊明的诗,说的是山气归鸟使她陶醉,她喜欢这山,喜欢得不知说什么好了。 魏富堂问陶渊明是哪个,许忠德说是晋代诗人。魏富堂问有多近,许忠德说有千多年了。魏富堂说千多年还近! ”
Somehow he felt uneasy and turned around to look at the younger Miss Zhao sitting on the bamboo sedan chair; the latter threw him a faint smile and immediately a few verse lines escaped her mouth.
    “The mountain air is fine at dusk of the day,
   And flying birds return together homewards.
      Within these things there is a hint of truth,
     But when I start to tell it, I cannot find the words.”
Xu Zhongde said that what the lady had chanted was a poem by Tao Yuanming, which described the fine mountain air and the returning birds that intoxicated her;and which could only prove that she loved these mountains and didn’t know what to say.
Wei Futang asked who Tao Yuanming was. Xu Zhongde told him that he was a poet of Jin dynasty. Wei Futang asked how far it was from now. Xu Zhongde said that it was about a thousand years away from now. Wei Futang said with displeasure, “How can it be called ‘near (recent)’ (NOTE) when it was about more than a thousand years?” (笔者译)
Ø        总结
幸好,有省译协的领导们协调,有英文审校JERRY PIASKY把关,使我们母语为非英语的译者的译文能够得到锤炼和修饰,方不减原作风貌,我们因此才能不辱使命。在为向世界推出我们陕西本土作家的文学作品这项伟大的工程和事业中,尽一份绵薄之力。
                                                       刘丹翎    西安交大


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