何佳乐 译 | 《美国海军陆战队中的“工合”精神》
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On Gung Ho
西北大学 马修•拉塞尔 | 文
西安翻译学院 何佳乐 | 译
Related to the concept of Semper Fidelis is a term borrowed from Chinese language and culture, Gung Ho. I’m not going to educate my Chinese readers on the meaning or history of Gung Ho, but I will educate you on how it found its way into Marine Corps vernacular and its American meaning, which can be somewhat different.
Both have an element of believing in something greater than oneself and implementing that belief into one’s tactics and goals. Gung Ho is also an American term with multiple meanings, but mostly it pertains to a sense of unstoppable motivation, almost to a fanatical level sometimes.
While in China in 1937-8, Col. Carlson learned from the Chinese use of guerilla and unconventional warfare while fighting the Japanese invasion. This inspired him to implement new tactics.
埃文斯·福代斯·卡尔逊(Evans Fordyce Carlson)
After briefly retiring from the Marines to become a lecturer on the dangers of Japanese aggression, he was reinstated into the Marines to help for America’s first commando force, Carlson’s Raiders of the 2nd Marine Battalion along with Edson’s Raiders of the 1st Marine Battalion. Beneath the experimental training with new technologies for the time, the value and philosophy of Gung Ho was the driving force for the Raiders training.
The tactics used by the Raiders most similarly resembles what is used by first generation Navy SEALS of 1962. The Raiders mission in pacific battles was to sabotage the Japanese defenses by clearing mines and beach obstacles via scuba diving and also to parachute behind enemy lines and neutralize machine gun nests before the battle.
These high risk efforts allowed the Marine infantry to fight their way up various mountains on various Pacific islands. These Pacific battles were similar in nature to the Battle of Normandy and a few proved to be more dangerous with higher allied casualty to survivor ratio.
After proving themselves in pacific battles, the Raiders value of Gung Ho impressed the infantry Marines that they began adopting a similar mentality. With the nomenclature of POGaside, there is a saying from the first day at Boot Camp that “Every Marine is a Rifleman First”. This means that even if a Marine’s specialty job is to work on radios or program computers etc… they need to be ready to stop what they’re doing and join the fight without hesitation. So naturally, the mentality of Gung Ho also went from the Infantry into all of the Marine Corps.
Because of Gung Ho, the Marine Corps believes itself to be an elite force. Because of this, the Raiders didn’t have much of a future because other Marines believed that an elite force within an elite force wasn’t useful and the Raiders were relegated to regular infantry after WWII. The skills used in the Raiders were later implemented into another unit called Recon.
Eventually, the Marine Corps was even unable to contain the term Gung Ho and it found its way into American vocabulary. Perhaps an athlete or a businessman is extremely driven and never rests, they are Gung Ho.
Evans was a natural leader of men, with a potential for more development, as he knew. The “Gung Ho Ethical Indoctrination” which he taught his Raiders was an advanced form of the essence of socialist Protestant ethics. It combined the maximum feasible initiative and development of the individual with group responsibility and “cooperativism.” Evans carried Emerson in his pocket on his travels and “self-help” is the Indusco adjective.